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Want to see real savings on your Large Market energy bill? It’s time to bring in an energy broker

As a business owner or financial controller, you’re always looking for ways to cut costs and save money for your business. As one of your biggest expenses, energy bills should be a laser focus for savvy managers looking to save significantly, especially in high energy-use industries. But taking this into your own hands may actually be a hindrance, and mean you’re missing out on real significant savings - not to mention the hours wasted learning, negotiating and comparing energy providers.

Are you a small business that spends less than $2,000 per month on your energy bills? You might be interested in our piece on small business energy brokering here.

Unlike traditional energy brokering firms, Choice Energy is able to offer a bespoke procurement experience with your own dedicated account manager. Energy brokering with us is a simple, straightforward approach that takes the pain out of reducing costs, and puts the power back in your hands with expert advice and industry knowledge.

Here’s how we do it.

Unlock the jargon, and challenge providers to offer their best

Business energy bills are extremely different to residential bills, and are calculated in extremely different ways. This is because the requirement for energy (known often as “energy demand”) is a lot higher for many commercial sites, especially factories and warehouses. This need for predictable and consistent energy can have a huge impact on the way your final charge is calculated.

Understanding these complexities means unlocking the potential to save money by allowing us to bring your energy bill to over a dozen of the best energy providers who are vying for your business. We know what you need in order to see savings, so we’re able to proactively challenge providers to offer their best, and not the other way around.

Because of our dedication to knowing you and understanding your business, we’re not merely looking for a low price, but also terms that suit your needs. For example, your dedicated energy expert knows pricing right now is favourable, and may strategize seeking out a longer contract term to ensure you keep this low rate for longer.

Seeing the big picture, to find the big savings

Procuring energy solo for your large business can quickly become stressful and overwhelming - You might ‘go with who you know’ out of habit, or keep your head in the sand and ignore it.

But when you ignore the complexity of many commercial energy bills, you also ignore the opportunity to save significant money.

Take for example the tariff attached to your energy demand requirements we mentioned earlier. This can often account for up to 60% of your total bill. This tariff is a charge designed to ensure you are allocated the correct amount of available energy that your site requires, and is calculated by past usage. What many are not aware of, however, is that this tariff charge is rarely shifted alongside your shifting energy requirements.

So, for example, if you move half your labour force to a second worksite, which reduces your energy consumption, you may still be being charged the same tariff. In fact, you might even be charged a tariff that reflects the energy use of the site owner before you - after all, there is no gain in your provider tapping you on the shoulder to point this out.

Don’t think we’re talking small change here either - for some of our customers, a tariff and demand analysis has seen them save tens of thousands each year.

Tariff and demand analysis is one of the many additional skills your Choice Energy expert manager can bring to the table when it comes to energy procurement. After all, saving on energy bills is more than just cost per kW. Hidden costs and overcharges are more common than you might think for high energy users, so teaming up with the best for additional services like metering and monitoring and bill validation could see thousands more saved than with brokering alone - not to mention our expertise in high quality, cash flow positive solar solutions.

Cost free energy brokering that takes the challenge out of saving money

Working with an energy broker is like having an expert in your back pocket, ready to do the hard work for you. Like in many industries, energy brokering is cost free, and takes the hard work out of the complex and sometimes ruthless energy industry. Our Choice Energy brokering team is here to help, and ready to learn more about how we can save you thousands each year. It’s simple to start and takes less than ten minutes. Reach out here today or call us on 1300 304 448 to get started.

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