Case Study - Costa's Mitre 10
Costa's Mitre 10 saves over $41,000 annually through combined solar and energy management
Turnkey Solar
Our Customer
Costa's Mitre 10 provides the Hopper Crossing community in Victoria with great service and a wide range of hardware products.
Aware of growing electricity prices, they sought a multi-pronged solution that would protect them from a volatile market and high energy spend.
How we helped
After engaging with Choice Energy for a solar feasibility assessment, it was determined Costa's Mitre 10 could reduce its impact through solar on its roof, but also save in excess of $20,000 per year.
With Choice's range of experience in hardware retail, especially Mitre 10, the partnership was formed and an 80kW solar system was installed, reducing daytime energy costs by 65%
As part of Choice Energy's full energy management offering, Choice Energy then ran a tender that found a further $9,600 in savings, plus a Network tariff saving of $21,000 per year.
Through solar, the business is expected to save in excess of $20,000 per year
A 30kW turnkey solar solution was installed onto the store's roof to reduce environmental impact and costs
Through expert energy management, Costa's Mitre 10 saved a further $36,000 in annual energy expenses.
Can you access energy savings too? Gain a no-obligation assessment of your energy usage to identify ways you can save.
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