Our Customer
The South Australian Hospitality Sector represents and protects the commercial interests of more than 630 hoteliers throughout South Australia. Members range from small country pubs to five-star hotels and resorts.

With the cost of energy increasing exponentially across the country, the association was interested in exploring how it could help its member hotels to reduce their energy costs.

How we helped

Choice Energy partnered with South Australian Hospitality Businesses to secure a collective energy procurement tender comprised of 47 hotels. The tender comprised 29,000,000 kWh of annual consumption and over $8.4m of energy spend.

Choice Energy executed the contract at the bottom of the market, meaning further savings for the customer. We also aligned all contracts to reflect their preferred start date with the winning retailer price locked in for two years. Our offering was $377,000 cheaper than a competing offer from a rival energy.

By arranging independent metering and monitoring for the group, members have also levered sunk cost and can now benefit from network tariff reviews, demand reviews and tackle their power factor costs.



As a result of the group tender, South Australian Hospitality Businesses have saved more than $2 million over two years, when compared to their previous contract.


47 hotels benefited from energy cost savings.


The contract secured was 15% cheaper than if secured outside of a group buying arrangement.

Can you access energy savings too? Gain a no-obligation assessment of your energy usage to identify ways you can save.

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Speak to one of our Choice Energy Assessors for a free energy evaluation today!

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Take power back and reduce your energy costs. Provide us with a snapshot of your business and energy needs and we'll be in touch.