Our Customer

Kinfolk is a social enterprise café and caterer which exists to create more inclusive communities and relieve social isolation.

With its new café Sibling opening in Carlton North, the founder, Jarrod, was keen to explore how solar could help to improve the business’ ongoing operational and environmental sustainability.

How we helped

He reached out to Powershop, one of Choice Energy’s energy retail partners, to apply for the Your Community Energy initiative, a program that allows customers to contribute a portion of their bill to community sustainability projects.

Powershop introduced Kinfolk to Choice Energy, who are a vetted partner of their Better Solar program – a program that engages only quality solar partners to deliver solar solutions for its customers.

After undertaking an assessment, Choice Energy identified that a 10kW solution would allow the business to rely less on the grid and put the power back in the hands of Kinfolk.

As part of Choice Energy’s solar solution, we also sourced government funding to help cover the costs of the project (approximately, $5,733).



The business is expected to save $247,548 over 25 years through solar


Choice Energy secured approximately $5,733 in government rebates to help the business owners fund the system


The 10kW system will allow the business to produce a significant amount of its own energy, rather than relying on the grid.

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