Our Customer

Nepean River Dairy proudly provides Australia's best dairy products to the country and the world.

Sourced from across New South Wales and Victoria, they receive 100% Australian fresh milk daily and pride themselves on richness and creaminess.

As manufacturer, Nepean River Dairy understood the impact of rising energy costs in Australia and sought a solution that ensured their gas and electricity bills remained optimised.

How we helped

Since 2019, Choice Energy has provided ongoing services for Nepean River Dairy that optimise expenditure and provide maximum opportunities to save.

Nepean River Dairy began utilising Choice Energy's SHIELD Metering and Monitoring services, which provide insight and reports on energy usage and allow the customer's dedicated account manager to flag inconsistencies or advantages. An initial energy tender saw Nepean River Valley save $1,800 on their gas bill.

In mid 2020, Choice Energy identified a way for the customer to save more on their gas bills, by changing their status from small market to large market energy due to their usage. As a result, the customer saved $90,000.

In 2021 Choice Energy flagged Nepean River Dairy of an opportunity to save significantly thanks to a five year low in the market. As a result of this tender, the customer will now save over $290,000 in electricity bills over a 3 year period, thanks to expert forward contracting.



By utilising forward contracting, the customer is set to save over $290,000 in a 3 year period.


Expert energy management has seen a total anticipated saving of over $318,000

Ongoing support

Metering and monitoring combined with bill validation allow the client to feel confident their needs are being looked after ongoing.

Can you access energy savings too? Gain a no-obligation assessment of your energy usage to identify ways you can save.

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Take power back and reduce your energy costs. Provide us with a snapshot of your business and energy needs and we'll be in touch.